Waldron should be the X. As in EX-OC. It's 4:45 pm, why hasn't it happened yet?
They are still looking inward. It takes time. Have you ever seen an ultrasound or tried to make sense of it? These guys have a hard time understanding X's and O's on a whiteboard with different colored inks. An ultrasound is going to take them a while to figure out
Waldron should be the X. As in EX-OC. It's 4:45 pm, why hasn't it happened yet?
They are still looking inward. It takes time. Have you ever seen an ultrasound or tried to make sense of it? These guys have a hard time understanding X's and O's on a whiteboard with different colored inks. An ultrasound is going to take them a while to figure out
I think they are institutionally unable to make a decision.
Flus can't because if he does, its an admission that he didn't pick the right OC (assuming it weas his choice and not forced by Poles.)
Poles can't because either it was Flus' decision (in which case he wants Flus to do it) or it was his (in which case he also can't admit to being wrong.)
Warren can't because it is not in his authority circle (he might have advisory power but day to day operating power), he wants Poles to do it, or he simply wants no part of the dysfunction.
McCasky might be waiting for the experts he hired to do something (remember, we all praised Warren as a football guy and not an accountant--so McCasky might be waiting for his football hires to address football issues in season.)
It a situation so messed up as this one, everyone is covering for themselves and no one assumes control to make a decision.